Ancient of Days Conference

Roswell, New Mexico

July 2003

Chris and Barbara (sister) Ward at the Roswell sign.

Dr. Ward and Richard Hoagland Science Advisor.

Brian and Chris digging at the crash site. Hey, we found something.

Chris and Brian at the Roswell sign.

Joe Jordan, Guy Malone, Richard Hoagland, and Dr. Ward after the panel discussion.

Panel: Guy Maline, Dr. Ward, David Flynn, MIke Heiser, Richard Hoagland, and Rev. Jim Wilhelmsen


Alien Resistance HQ New Location on Main Street

Barb next to an alien sponsor in downtown Roswell

Downtown Roswell

Kathy, Jim, Guy, Chris and Mike

Walmart in Roswell

Brian looking at the Pecos River

The Benedictine Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico


Free PowerPoint Presentation

80 Minute Presentation and 56 Slide PowerPoint

What is the difference between the sons of Seth and the Sons of God?

How do the Nephilim differ from the Gibborim?

Who are the Gebers?

Is there an alien abduction in your future?



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