Learn how to pray like an Exorcist
Prayer Dashboard
Pray for yourself, your family, friends, your church, or your nation!
"The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" James 5:16
The Dashboard is divided up into an Introduction and 10 parts: YHWH, Spirits, Set Free! (Deliverance),
Healing, Principalities, Angels, Devils, the Faithful, Sowing, and a Prayer Log.
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Other Books by Pastor Chris Ward:
Christ's Birth @ 555
Rise of the Antichrist @ 666
Mayan Eclipse @ 666
For thousands of years people looked to the stars for navigation, prophecy and predictions. What can we learn from these heavenly bodies? The bible says that the Lord placed them there as faithful witnesses to mark the seasons, the days, and the times. The Bible also tells of wise men from the east that followed a star to Bethlehem to find a king. What other events might be revealed by the movement of the stars and planets? Are there more prophecies hidden in scripture and the stars to direct wise men of today? Is there a Star Code?
Use FREE Planetarium Software to discover the actual date of Jesus' birth and see the coming date of the rising of the Antichrist.
Order by Mail: Available in October 2009 by Authorhouse
Case Files of an Internet Exorcist
By Pastor Chris Ward
15 Chapters of actual Exorcisms and 4 Appendixes of simple How -To-Conduct Deliverance and the last interview with Frank Marzullo Sr.
Electronic Book (Download) 1420877518 $4.95
Paperback (6x9) 1420858769 $17.75
Click on Cover to Order:
The Phat News of Mark
I wrote the Phat News of Mark so that hippies, street kids, and gutter punks would have a copy of the Gospel of Mark in their own street language.
Evangelist Chris Ward
Logos Christian Fellowship
8839 C.R. 44
Leesburg, Florida 34788
Toll Free 1-877-566-7264
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