History of
Chris Ward, Doctorate of Ministry
In the Spring
of 1989 I started a Bible study in our home at 1314 Maugans Ave.,
Leesburg. On Firday, June 23, 1989 we decided to officially start
a home fellowship.
Sunday, October
15, 1989, we held our first church service at Golden Grove Camper
Resort across from the Lessburg Airport. We began just off of
their laundry room in the meeting hall. Sunday school was in the
old donut shop up front. How little did we know that this was
a prophetic start.
This is the entrance
to the donut shop at Golden Grove Camper Resort and beyond through
the laundry room to the meeting room.
After about six
months we moved to Central Baptist's Day Care center on the corner
of Main Street and Perkins. At this time we were affiliated with
Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa.
Another six months
later, we moved to the American Legion hall (March of 1990).
We officially
incorporated as Calvary Chapel on May 14, 1990.
During the Fall
of 1991 we moved into the Tropical Cinemagic movie theater. We
stayed here until January of 1993.
The last Sunday
in January of 1993 we moved into High Street. We were still known
as Calvary Chapel at that time.
We opened our
web page on July 4, 1996. It was dedicated to deliverance, hippies,
and Ufologists. It focused on the ignorant, needy, and homeless.
On June 1, 1998
we changed our name to Logos Christian Fellowship of Leesburg,
Inc. We anticipated due to the web page that we might come into
some conflict with our affliation Calvary Chapel. We knew this
was radical outreach. For more information see Charisma Magazine
April of 2001, November of 2001, and March of 2002. These articles
help to define what it is that we are attempting to accomplish
for the Kingdom of God. If you can get a copy of MSNBC's show,
In Search of Satan with Forest Sawyer you will get an insight
into what we are doing in deliverance ministry.
On August 1,
2000, we purchased and moved into the Fraternal Order of Police
building at 8839 C.R. 44 east of Leesburg. We now had our own
As of February,
2001, we were no longer affiliated with Calvary Chapel of Costa
Mesa. Chuck Smith removed our affiliation because, to quote Bob
Coy of Calvary Chapel of Ft. Lauderdale, "we did not reflect
the philosophy and style of Calvary Chapel." Mind you, this
was completely conducted behind closed doors and without even
an invitation to defend our outreach ministry.
I really hated
to lose this relationship, since Rita and I got saved (Jesus People)
at Calvary Chapel of Riverside, California with Greg Laurie (Harvest),
but it was out of my control, and in the hands of the Lord.
Chuck Smith,
Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, conveyed to me that he was very
concerned that we were ministering to Ufologists. He wouldn't
come out and actually say what was bothering him, but he implied
we should stop doing any outreach ministry in this area on two
seperate phone conversations.
I consider Chuck
Smith to be one of the premiere Bible teachers of the 20th Century.
I truly enjoyed his leadership and example. I hated to see him
cower out like that. I wanted to reach people confused about the
origin of UFOs and he clearly didn't even want to talk about it.
Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach to every creature."
I guess Igoofed up. I took Jesus literally. I can see why the
Lord moved us out now, but at the time I was really dissapointed.
Chuck is the greatest and I still have many wonderful friends
that pastor Calvary Chapels. Everythiing I ever learned about
the Bible, I learned from Chuck Smith in the ten years I was a
Calvary pastor and the ten years I assisted in the children's
ministry. I learned one important thing through this unfortuanate
experience, never fear men. Do what it is that the Lord Jesus
has put on your heart to do. Never look back and never take your
hand off the plow.
We are currently
developing a program were we can place a Logos in every city in
America. If you are interested please contact us.
In His grace
and my bungling,
Chris <X><
are only a phone call away.
if you need us!