Rainbow Family Ocala
Gathering 2011
Logos Editon
Jesus Kicks Down
An angel appeared
over the food council!
Cmdr Lloyd Thorne
and State AVVA Winner Helen Shaut (Sec.)
Viet Nam Veterans
of America, (VVA-1026) Tavares, FL
Inspecting the troops,
heading to front gate.
ministering to Vets
in the forest--Never leave a commrade behind!
Welcome Home Trailhead!
Anna's Kitchen Friday
Night 2.11.2011 Frodo's Cooking!
Front Gate Thrift
No Kidding!
Jesus Kicks Down
Now that is a lot
of food! One drop = 6 Tons!!!!!?
360' Food Council
Turkey Feather Trading
Post Food Drop 2.12.2011
5 Marines helped
me unload, one was on leave from Afghanistan.
Front Gate.
on photo to visit Church of the forest
Pastor Mark Smith,
Church of the Forest, and friends.
Getting clothes
and shoes at food council
Turkey Feather Trading
Post is Back!
Clothing, food,
blankets, CALM suplies and main supply!
Food Council.
More food and supplies
and clothing on the tables.
Next to Anna's kitchen
at front gate.
Brother Coop showed
up out of retirement. 82nd Airborne VVA
Brother Coop (82
Airborne) and Pastor Chris (101 Airborne Recon) Viet Nam Vets.
CALM supply meeting.
Center for Alternative Learning Medicine
Peanuts and snacks
at front gate, sponsored by Logos
Trailer Park Kitchen
now open for business!
Farrells Lake Back
Ben and Logos' new
Turkey Feather Trading Post truck.
We showed movies
at night on the side of the truck.
Phat Kids Clean
Phat Kids putting
2.5 TONS of trash in truck
Logos' Truck is
packed and ready to go to the dump.
Great job on clean
up Phat Kids Kitchen!
Memorial Service
Valentine's Day
- Hippie Noon
Pastor Chris (2
Hawks) leading memorial service.
How many of you
guys knew Sweeney (Vet)?
Memorial service
at Farrells Lake
In Memory of Sweeney
In Memory of Little
Hawk (Vet)
Never leave a commrade
Memorial Service
for Robert Sweeney (Veteran), Little Hawk (Veteran),
and the 8 Hippies
and two fireman that died in the warehouse fire in New Orleans,
December 28, 2010.
Click on photo for more information
The Phat News of Mark is the Gosple of Mark in the
Hippie Language
Order a copy today! Click here or on the book.

Pastor Chris all
cleaned up! A.K.A. 2 Hawks
Pastor Chris and
Pastor Mark are both Ojibwa indians from the same tribe
in Sault Sainte
Marie, Michigan
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