Ocala Gathering 2013
Logos Christian Fellowship's Outreach to Veterans and the Rainbow Family of Living Light in the Ocala National Forest
Thank you Mama Chime for the Art Work! We love you!
1400+ blankets, 150+ sleeping bags, clothes, shoes, & medications.
Welcome Home Veterans!
Support Our Soldiers, Jesus Kicks Down Phat (Logos), and, Church of the Forest.
Camp at the beginning and camp at the end!
Click on Picture to see the Ocala Fluteman Justin!
Jamie, Pastor Chris, Todd and Jingles
Blankets before and after the Gathering
String Band Video: Justin, Sarah, and Sam Click to Play
Water Buffalos at Main Gate, Mid Gate, and Back Gate
CALM: Center for Alternative Living Medicine
Latrine, Logos Welcome Center, and Mid Gate Trail
Blankets, Clothes, and Shoes
Logos Clothing link: Click Here!
In Logos Tent and out front after the Gathering
Jesus Kitchen and road advertisement signs
Hopkins Prairie
Gary Kadow seen with some of our Veterans at the Gathering
More Hippies!
Jennifer and Logos Welcome Table
Hippie Performer: Click on picture for video!
Max's Corner
Click on picture for Hula Hoop Flash Dancer Sunchild!
IF you send me your picture I will add it.
Trade Circle, Trail, and Logos
Mark Smith and Mark Ward and Clothing
Hippie Kitchen
Click on the picture for Sarah's Testimony!
Thank you Todd and Jingles for all you did!
The Water Supply in the Ocala is low!
Logos Welcome Home Center and Friends
Click for video: Only when I am with You (Golly & Chris)
Thank you Villages for the hand made hats!
Logos Water Truck and buffalos and trail.
Logos Veterans Camp
Logos Camp and shoes, Hippie with handmade hat.
All of the hand make hats were given out.
Logos camp fire, and hippie with hand made hat.
Here is how we protected the clothing at night.
Logos Veterans Camp.
Welcome Home Center and Shoes.
Happy Kids in hand made hats.
Pastor Chris and Todd & Jingles
Veterans gathering camp supplies!
S.O.S. Photos
Welcome Home Veterans Camp
Gary and Todd and Jingles
Gary,....Todd and Jingles
We gave out a ton of children's toys
Let's Camp!
Mid Gate
Howard & Gary
Gary & Tree
Mid Gate
Al at Mid Gate
Pastor Chris and Lieutenant on leave.
Main Circle
Airborne Ranger and Gary Kadow
Main Trade Circle
Back Gate
Special Thanks to all of our Loving & Generous Sponsors in the Villages:
S.O.S., VFW, Viet Nam Veterans, Clubs
Village Recreation, Busy Hands & Happy Hearts Club
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Barry Sacarow Shabbat
Barry Sacarow conducting Shabbat in God's Tent, Friday, February 21, 2003 at sunset.
Commander Jowers of FEMA apologizing to Pastor
Chris Ward (blue) in front of the Hippies for throwing him out of the Ocala National Forest for feeding Veterans and Hippies (Ocala 2002).
VA Psychologist Committs Suicide!
He was, as one buddy says, the guy who could help everybody - everybody but himself.
Click on Picture for full article.
22 Veterans Committ Suicide Per Day in the USA.
Something is wrong at VA!
Hey Guys, we love you, and we will see you at A-Cola and the next gathering or Nationals.
Hang in there!
Jesus Loves You!
Pastor Chris walking point for 101st Airborne, 2nd 502, Recon, and Xmas morning 1967 just before a mortar attack.
Pastor Chris Ward just before one of his two parachute jumps in Recon in Phang Rang Viet Nam 1967
Can you see the 101st Screaming Eagle on his right shouldier?