Digital Equity Application


Applicants, you are invited to apply for the Logos Digital Equity Award. You will need to consider the following:

1. Demonstrate a need. A school free lunch card, Dedicaid card, or proof of a Pell Grant is proof enough.

2. Have the recommendation of their teacher, adult, or pastor.

3. The applicant may not already own or have access to a computer at home.

4. Applicant must pledge not to sell or give away the computers.

5. Applicantss will accept computers "AS IS" with no recourse or liability.

6. Applicantss will properly dispose of the equipment when it no longer works.


Name: __________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________ State _________ Zip: ______________

Home Phone: _____________________ Cell: __________________________

School Name:____________________________________________________

Free Lunch Number (School): _______________________________________

Pell Grant Number (College): _______________________________________

Proof of Need:____________________________________________________

Grade: _______________ Date: _____________________________________

Date of Birth: ____________________________________________________

Recommendation: _____________________ Phone: _____________________

Parent Name:_____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Phone Number: _____________________________________

Parent/Guardian E-mail: ______________________________________

You will be required to sign a Refurbish agreement.

E-mail your application:


Or, Mail you application to:

Logos Christian Fellowship

Attention: Digital Equity Awards

8839 C.R. 44

Leesburg, FL 34788

1-877-566-7264 Toll Free