Nukualofa, Tongatapu
Tonga, South Pacific
Mr. Ward Goes to
Mr. Ward seen here marching
with his class in the King's birthday parade July 4, 1986.
Mr. Ward taught at Lavengamalie
College in 1986 by invitation to establish a Business and Computer
In 1985 Mr. Ward was teaching
Computer Applications at CCC High School. His class invented the
word processor and hardware in the Tonga language and was invited
to Tonga to teach.
He is seen here presenting
the Faka'Fuo'Fua to the King of Tonga at the ASCI Teachers Convention
in 1985. The guest speakers were Secretary of Education William
Bennett and the King of Tonga, his Majesty Taufa'ahou Toupou I.V.
Mr. Ward went to Tonga in
1986 to establish Business and Computers at Lavengamalie College.
Faka'fuo'fua = Computer in
This is the famous Faka'fuo'fua
that Mr. Ward and his class at CCCHS invented that led to the
invitation to come and teach at Lavengamalie. It is a converted
Vic 20 computer. The Tongan language has 16 letters and a diphthong.
This is the fale I lived in
at Lavengamlie. It is a two bedroom faka Tonga fale.
Ahino and Nick. Ahino was
a Compassion International child that we sponsored. We were very
fortunate to meet him while we were there. Compassion does a a
very fine job in their sponsor program.
Here is Mr. Ward marching
with Lavengamalie College the 4th of July, the King's birthday.
Mr. Ward, Rita Ward, Anna,
Tanya, Nicholas and Normandy, wearing the traditional faka Tonga
Kevin (Pee wee Dun Dee), Tony,
Anna, and Tanya our best friends from New Zealand.
This is a typical school assembly
at Lavengamalie. Students sit on the floor. Faka Tonga!
This is the Mahamonga, a huge
stone site like Stonehenge.
In 1990 Mr. Ward was part
of a computer team that filmed the top secret sites for NASA at
the Kennedy Space Center so that visitors could visit these sites
via the computer. Next to Launch Pad 19 was the foundation of
a lunch pad that looked exactly like the Mahamonga stone. Coincidence?
Here are Nick and Normandy
playing with Tongan friends.
Nick and Normandy pals forever.
Our children loved their stay on the Islands. They never had to
wear shoes because there are no snakes or poisonous animals on
the Island.
Tony Thompson and Kevin Brown
from New Zealand.
Normandy and Rita shopping.
The Dateline International
Hotel. Many of the palangies (white pig/foreigners) would hang
out here on Saturday for a rest and a grilled cheese sandwich.

Downtown Nukualofa, Tonga.
I was also a consultant for AID to the Tongan Cooperative Federation.
I help to establish the Tongan Governemtn on IBM computers, all
fourteen wharehouses.
This is my office at the Tonga
Cooperative Federation. I was a consultant to the Tongan government
through A.I.D. out of Washington, D.C.
The Amazing Grace

The Amazing Grace was a 90'
schooner that sailed the South Pacific sharing the Jesus movie
in Polynesian.
The Beach
Fishing in Tonga was different.
The villages use a huge trap that works great. My students from
CCCHS where with me on this memorable trip to Moua.
Here is a blow hole at Keleti
Beach. This was great place to relax, swim, and snorkel.
This is a beach on north west
shore. Great snorkeling.
Normandy with a parrot fish.
Nick and Norm snorkeling off
north shore.
Normandy and Nick at a blow
hole at Keleti Beach.
Methodist king of Tonga dies
at age 88
King Taufaahau Tupou IV
King Taufaahau Tupou
Sept. 14, 2006
AUCKLAND, New Zealand (UMNS)
Tongas King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, a lay preacher in the Free Wesleyan
Methodist Church, died Sept. 10 just before midnight at Auckland's
Mercy Hospital.
Tupou, 88, had been critically
ill for the last two months, and had been receiving medical treatment
in New Zealand since April.
His Majesty King Taufa'ahau
Tupou IV was a great leader and witness in the Methodist movement,
said the Rev. H. Eddie Fox, a United Methodist and director of
evangelism for the World Methodist Council. His passing is a loss,
not only for his people, but for persons in the World Methodist
Tupou served as monarch of
the 169 Pacific islands that compose the Kingdom of Tonga for
41 years. He ascended to the throne following the long reign of
his mother, Queen Salote, also a well-known leader in the World
Methodist movement.
Goodbye old friend, I will
miss you and see you in heaven.
Pastor Chris
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