A. Making The Grade (MTG) Grading Scale modifications. Example: Scale 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, if necessary. Grades are modified at assessment entry into MTG and aut0omatically reflect I.E.P recommendations.
B. ESE students that fall behind may op-out to do the Pretest, Practice, and Post-test rather than all the lesson activities.
C. Students that complete their work early may use the Internet.
D. Early completers may also use the Flight Simulator.
E. Buddy System. I pair up students with qualified student mentors.
F. Teacher to student mentoring and study group during my prep period or early morning detention.
G. Share & Shine Digital Equity Program. See our school web page for more details at
In addition, I also consult with the ESE Coop Manual prepared by Carrie Veit and Holly Ryan. See the following:
Purpose of Cooperative Consultation:
· to assist the general educators with programming for
mainstreamed exceptional students
· offer general educators instructional techniques that
can be generalized to regular students with learning problems
· decrease need for exceptional students to be instructed
in subject area courses taught by exceptional educators
· encourage interdepartmental communication
· promote good relations between school and parents
· facilitate a full continuum of services
· help provide documentation of accommodations made in
the regular classroom to ensure success of exceptional students
Cooperative Consultation
Weekly Progress Reports:
· Will be placed in each team leader's box on Wednesdays
· Each teacher needs to take time to go through each report
to provide information for the Cooperative Consultation teacher
to be able to provide appropriate services (see sample form).
· After completing the Progress Reports thoroughly, initial
and pass on to the next teacher.
· Reports should be returned to the Cooperative Consultation
teacher by Friday the same week in order to review them with the
students in a timely manner.
Monthly Team Meetings:
· A meeting will be held once per month to review the progress
of each Cooperative Consultation student. Each teacher in the
team should attend. If someone is not able to attend, the meeting
needs to be rescheduled at the team's convenience.
· Forms will be placed in the team leader's box the week
before the meeting to aid in determining the best time for the
team to meet.
· Meetings with the Cooperative Consultation teacher are
NOT limited to the monthly meeting. A request for a meeting can
be made at any time to meet individually, as a group, or with
the parent as well. In cases where the parent needs to attend,
the Cooperative Consultation teacher will set up the meeting when
asked to do so.
· If a parent requests a meeting, the team will be notified
by the Cooperative Consultation teacher, and a time will be determined
· Every student in Cooperative Consultation has a section
of the IEP called Modifications and Accommodations (see student
sections). This is a guideline to assist the general educator
in determining appropriate modifications for the exceptional student.
· The general educator must use the modifications listed
in the IEP, but is not limited to those mentioned. This is the
minimum that may be done to be in compliance with the IEP.
· Modifications are expected to be made not only on assignments,
but also with presentation of material and tests.
· Students that do NOT have testing modifications listed
for testing specifically with the ESE teacher (Cooperative Consultation)
are expected to test in the general classroom. Appropriate modifications
must still be made.
· Students that DO have testing modifications listed for
testing with the ESE teacher may still test in the general classroom.
The ESE teacher is a resource and may be used when necessary.
If a student needs extended time, questions read, help writing
answers, or any other type of modification, arrangements should
be made between the regular educator and the Cooperative Consultation
Late Work for Exceptional Students:
Cooperative Consultation
Holly Ryan (8th) and Carrie Veit (6th/7th)
Room 8-110
Ext. 269