Descriptors: |
Student is able to boot Excel properly from the program menu. | Student is able to modify and adjust columns and cells and input data correctly to fit the demands of the data. | Student is able to save the data in the proper student folder using the "U" drive. |
Students can add, subtract, multiply and deivde. Students can copy and paste an item. |
Students can use the summation key and other calculation shortcuts. Students can use difficult formulas and micros for complex operations. |
Students can insert spreadsheet into a Word document. Students can send document as E-mail. Student knows how to print the spreadhseet and chart. |
Students can proofread the data. | Students can proofread data and make the necessary changes. |
Students know how to operate the Spell and Grammar checker. Students will have three other students check for accuracy before presenting to the teacher. "Three before me." |
.....This excel rubric will document student self-management, self-montoring, and self-modification by the simple challene of master--explanation, also know as rating scales built into the handout. Students will modify their skills as they attempt to perform al of the demands of the rubric. These rating scales (Canter & Associates, Inc. 2002) are designed to reflect progressive levels and challenge students to meet those levels.