Power Point Lesson Plan

Lesson-Planning Worksheet 1

By Chris Ward

What I Like About Windy Hill Middle School


Topic of lesson: Power Point Presentation: What I Like About Windy Hill Middle School.

Description of learners (Include any information you feel is relevant to the planning process for this lesson-class size implications, student learning styles, multicultural differences, diversity issues, etc.):

This class is Keyboarding I. The students are in the 7th Grade and are ages 12 to 13. I may have some ESOL students, ESE students, students with hearing or vision disabilities, students on Ritalin, and a total class of up to 32. This is a multicultural class of students from poverty level incomes to professional level incomes. Computer equity is high, about 80% of my class has access to a computer at home. All of my students have an E-mail account with Epals.Com and can communicate using the translator.

Students' content entry skills and implications: Three of my students entered late, after Lesson 10. In a class of 32, that means a lot of extra supervision. One of the late students has a language problem and needs to enter ESOL. I have at least six students that are far advanced over the general group and have had some Power Point in a previous class. They will need some advanced challenges. This is the first unit that the students will have to save their work in their own folder. In order to address a normal problem when teaching Power Point, I will have them all open the PPT and insert five pages and save them all at once. This way they will not inadvertently save five separate PPTs. It is always easier to show them how to pull up page two then to insert it. This is a difficult concept at age 12.

Students' technology entry skills and implications: The majority of my students report previous Keyboarding or computer activities. The problem is that they bring with them as many bad habits as good. I will have to teach them the Touch method of Keyboarding and try to overcome any deep-rooted bad habits that would prevent them from achieving Keyboarding excellence. Currently all of my students can, see, hear, and have both hands. No one at this time has a broken hand or arm.

NETS: Students will consider the following NETS Standards:

1. Basic Operations.

2. Social, ethical and human issues.

3. Technology productivity tools.

4. Technology communications tools.

5. Technology research tools.

6. Technology problem solving and decision making tools.

Performance Indicators: Students will consider the following:

1. Apply Strategies for identifying and solving routine hardware and software problems that occur during everyday use. (1)

2. Exhibit legal and ethical, behaviors when using information and technology, and discuss consequences of misuse. (2)

3. Use content-specific tools, software, and simulations to support learning and research. (2)

4. Apply productivity/multimedia tools…(3, 6)

5. Design, develop, publish, and present products using current technology…in and outside the classroom…(4, 5, 6)

Sunshine State Standards (Florida) Students will:

1. Develop Keyboarding Skills utilizing Current Technology.

2. Apply Keyboarding Skills Using Current Technology.

3. Explore Business Career Opportunities.

4. Apply Keyboarding Skills to Interdisciplinary Activities.

5. Review and Assess Keyboarding Skills Relating to Careers.

Expected content and technology outcomes of the lesson:

Students will create a Power Point Presentation with at least five pages. They will include sound, graphics, clip-art, photos, and appropriate transitions. Students will save the project correctly to their student folder. The theme of the PPt is What I Like About Windy Hill Middle School. Students will have an Index page and at lest for sub pages. Students PPt's will be posted to the school web page. Students will visit last year's Power Point presentations on the school web site at http://www.windyhillmiddle.org. They will then search the menu for Power Point Presentation and search through at least for examples of their choice.

Students can access additional information by viewing my Power Point Rubric at: http://www.windyhillmiddle.org/powerpointrubric.htm.

Students may also visit the following links:

Power Point in the Classroom: http://www.actden.com/ppt

Florida Gulf Coast University: http://www.fgcu.edu/office2000/ppt/

Power Point Tutorial: http://www.homepage.cs.edu/tutorials/csc101/ppt.html

Creating a Power Point Presentation: http://www.ga.k12.pa.us/curtech/powerwk.htm