Our outreach deals primarily with the Rainbow Gathering that takes place in the Ocala National Forest near Ocala, Florida.
It is our desire to minister to the needy of the rainbow people as we do to our Community. It is also our hope to help the gathering keep a spiritual focus. There is no better place to commune with God than in His beautiful natural forests.
Our main material purpose is to provide potable safe drinking water to the gathering and promote hygiene. It is our privilege to provide food, clothing, camping equipment, cookware, hygiene, medicine, C.A.L.M. supplies, dental hygiene, shampoo lodges, music, tracts, fellowship, worship, safety & shelter,and Bibles whenever the opportunity arises.
In ministering to the Rainbow people we have tried to keep these four things in mind:
1. It is our privilege and opportunity to minister to the Rainbow People as mandated by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 25 verses 31 through 46; therefore, we expect nothing in return.
2. We are to love and not judge as mandated by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 7: verse 1, and the Gospel of John Chapter 15: verse 12; therefore, we do not criticize or find fault.
3. We try not to promote our church as mandated by Jesus in Matthew Chapter 6: verse 1 through 4; therefore we do not ascribe any church, affiliation, or denomination to our charity. When asked who we are we simply say, "We are just a bunch of generic Christians from a little country church many miles from here." Hence, they have given of the name of "the church people".
4. We don't try to change them as mandated by Jesus in the parable of the women at the well in the Gospel of John Chapter 4; therefore, we simply offer them 'living water'.
Finally, if we have said or done anything here to confuse or upset you--then we apologize. Don't hesitate to give us a call or send us an Email. We are open to constructive criticism and we don't think that we have all the answers. We are just weak and simple men and women trying to give love and offer knowledge of the mercy, grace, and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.