Disney Teacherrific

Chris Ward

3 Time Winner


Share & Shine Digital Equity Project

Pastor Chris Ward won the 2003 Disney Helping Hand Top Award for his Digital Equity Project Share & Shine. This project collected donated computers, rebuilt them, reimaged them, and awarded them to over 200 needy and worthy 8th graders.



Disney Teacherrific Award 2000

Technology + Aquaculture + Agriculture = Food Security


Disney Teacherrific Award 1999

Special Judges Award

$2.500.00 and $500.00 to School

Windy Hill Middle School:

"Hunger Awareness and Human Rights Curriculum in the Middle School."

The Hunger Awareness and Human Rights Curriculum was created to introduce students to the problems of hunger, homelessness and human rights in America. It is specially designed to solicit a humanitarian response at the middle school level to the hungry and homeless in the community.

Chris Ward, Mike Fisher, and the King of Tonga

Chris' invented the Tongan Wordprocessor in the Tongan language with the help of his gifted computer class at Contra Costa Christian High School in 1986. He is seen here with student Mike Fisher presenting Fakafuofua it to the King of Tong, Taufa' ahuo Toupou the 4th at the ACSI teachers convention in Los Angeles, California.

Mr. Ward Goes to Tonga


Teacher of the Year

Teacher of the Year in 1990, 1991, and the Mouscar

Disney Teacherrific Special Judges Award in 1999.

Disney Teacherrific Nominee 2001, and 2004.

Teaching Projects

Lavengamalie College Technology+ Aquaculture
Windy Hill Middle School Florida Iditarod
More About Chris Visit Chris' Other Projects

Teaching Experience

Chris Ward has been a school teacher since 1982. He taught at Rubidoux High School, and CCC High School, in California; Lavengamalie College in Nuku'alofa, Tonga, South Pacific; Private Industry Council--Careers in Tourism, South Lake Education Center, Lee Adult, Clermont Middle School, Windy Hill Middle School, Gray Middle, and South Lake High School in Lake County Florida. He has also taught in Haiti, Guatemala, and Kenya.


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