Our Committment: It is our mission to love and care for your wandering children in the name of Jesus. We provide food, clothing, blankets, camp equipment, medicine, dental care and spiritual advice. We have prayed for them when they are lost and alone, hungry and sick, stoned and high, and angry and hostile. Some of your children actually hate us. We love them back. We have seen the Lord raise them from the dead, heal them of snake bite, heal them from gun shot wounds, and deliver them from the police. We have had the privilege to lead them to Christ, baptize them, train them in the Word (Bible), raise them up in ministry and even ordain them. Thank you for your children. It has been our honor to serve them and supply their needs because Jesus Kicks Down Phat! This year we will celebrate over 14 years on ministry to your children.
Jesus Loves You Kitchern Baptisms of the faithful!

Logos Food Bank: Terri Shaut Manager
Music Ministry

Secrets of the Bible
Deliverance, Exorcisms, Angels, Female Angels, Devils, Demons,
Fallen Angels, Incubus, Succubus, Hateful Birds,
Spirits, Unclean Spirits, Hosts of Heaven,
and the Mysteries of the Bible
How to Stop a Demonic Attack
Application for Exorcism
UFO Watch
UFOs, USOs, Close Encounters, Alien Abductions, Ufology,
Full Disclosure, and the Paranormal Outreach Team.
"The Holy Spirit has shown me that the UFO 'Full Disclosure' will not be revealed until the true church is harpazoed out before the wrath of God." Dr. Chris Ward
"And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened" ("Mt 24:22 NKJV).

Recently Released by Mexican Authorities 
(Proof of Aliens [Fallen Watchers] in Central America)

Kat Kerr

Galactic Federation of Light
Warning Part 1
Warning Part II
Warning Part III

"They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods (aliens/fallen angels) whom they knew not, to new gods (aliens) that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not."
(Deuteronomy 32:17, KJV)
"God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods (aliens/fallen angels)."
Psalm 82:1, KJV
"Among the gods (aliens/fallen angels) there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works."
Psalm 86: 8, KJV
Do not be afraid or be shaken by that which is about to come on the world!
Full UFO Disclosure is just around the corner! This is your next false flag!
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7, KJV).

Chuck Missler: Do UFO Exist?

How Can We Share Jesus with the UFO Culture?
This is the cover story of the April, 2001, Issue of Charisma Magazine.
An interview with Evangelist Chris Ward.
Chrisma explains to the Christian community why it is that we should be a witness for Christ to the Ufology (UFO) community.
"It is my opinion that Ufology is a form of modern idolatry and it is an end times delusion."
Pastor Chris Ward

Click on Photo for link
Crazy Stories

A figurine found at Al Ubaíd archeological site in Iraq dating 4000 - 5900 BCE, which predates the Sumerian culture.
Pinned from beforeitsnews.com
Can the Nephilim be Saved?
Can the Gerbers and Hybrids be Saved? 
How to Stop a UFO or an Alien Abduction

Vatican: "It's OK to believe in Aliens"

Fr. Funes Astronomer for the Vatican
Vatican Official monsignor Padre Corrado Balduci Declares Extraterrestrial Contact is Real!

Does E. T. Pray? Catholic questions of faith and astrobiology.

Vatican Extraterrestrial Life (ExoLife) Workshop
The Roman Catholic Church and Evidence of the Nephilim
Full Disclosure Project

Dr. Steven Greer
Mexico New Release 

Click on Photos or Box
UFOs Caught on Tape

Click on Photo to see the Video!
This is a video on YouTube.com of NASA exploring space and finding unidentified flying objects. At 4:30 you will see unidentified objects that seem to be navigating intelligently. Nasa is caught trying to explain the event away.
April 2, 2008
Best UFO Footage Ever! Larry King Live!
Click on YouTube Icon
January 28, 2001: UFO over Jerusalem Temple
3 ANGLES COMBINED: Jerusalem Dome of the Rock Temple Mount UFO video
Hal Lindsay 2011:
Hal Lindsay UFOs: Are We Living in the Last Days?
UFOs and Celebrities

John Lenon, Astronaut Gordon Cooper, Art Bell, Will Smith. William Shatner, and George Carlin to name a few.
Alien Testamonies by Government Insiders
"And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber (Chashmal, 2830, Polished Bronze, between Gold and Brass), out of the midst of fire." Ezekiel 1:4.
Russia Threatens Obama to Reveal Alien Presence or They will!

Logos' General Information:
Bishop Chris Ward
Pastor Dennis Lyons
Worship Leader Nick Ward
Worship Leader Thomas Stafford
8839 C.R. 44, Leesburg, FL 34788 (MAP)
1-352-638-0909 Prayer Line
Our Programs:
Come Home to a 1st Century Christian Orthodox Church
Revival or Perish!
Congregational, Expositional, and Applicational Bible Teaching
Spirit Led Worship
Outreach to the Homeless, the Needy, the Oppressed, and the Possessed,
Ufologists, Street Kids, Renaissance Fairs, Pow-Wows, and the Rainbow Family of Living Light
Food Bank and Disaster Relief
Missions Projects: Kenya, Africa, Haiti, Guatemala, Jamaica, Laos, Masai Tribe, Mexico, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Pakistan, Pygmies, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, S. Sudan,Tonga, Tanzinia, and Renaissance Fairs.
We sponsor:
Pastor Chrispus Wanyoni Khalakai in Nukura, Kenya, and the churches of Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania, Pygmy, and the Massai Tribe.
We Meet:
Wednesday Bible Study 7 PM
Sunday Morning Service at 11 AM
Healing, Deliverance and Exorcisms: Call for appointment.
How You May Support Logos Christian Fellowship

Please help us reach the lost, famine victums, educate and feed the homeless.
"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this,
to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction,
and to keep himself unspotted from the world." James 1:27
Copyright: All Rights Reserved on all pages
Service Mark & Trade Mark
Copyright 1998 to Present
This site was first created July 4, 1998

Pastor Chris & Rita with Jamous Walker, 11.17.12, at Hardee Correctional Insitutue.
Please pray that God will release Jamous via a pardon that we have applied for 2012.
Pardon Walker! 

Logos Christian Fellowship, Inc.
8839 C.R. 44, Leesburg, FL 34788 (MAP)